

24 JUNE 2021

Tiverton Campus
Year 5 - 8

As part of our GROW wellbeing program, all Year 5 - 8 students will hear from Elephant Ed in 2021. Elephant Ed are evidence-based, age appropriate workshops that are delivered by young, relatable and highly trained professionals discussing issues around sex education, consent and gender-based violence. The content is designed to respond to relevant matters and challenges facing young people.

A few weeks ago, Year 8 students focused on the important issues of appropriate language and labelling when discussing issues around women, sex and consent. This week, our Year 7 cohort discussed the best choices students should make and body image. Here are what three Year 7 students said about the program:

“Good to get these thoughts and feelings out of my head” - Luca Gugliucciello 7H

“I think it is good that Elephant Ed comes because it is useful to know what happens when you get older” - Alexander Pearse 7J

“It was great having someone young because it felt like she understood me more” - Owen Doyle 7B

The feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive:
  • 96% of Year 7 and 8 students would like Elephant Ed to return to deliver more workshops
  • 97% of students found it useful having a young facilitator
We look forward to Elephant Ed returning in Term 3 to work with our Year 5 and 6 students on Embracing Change and Introducing Sex on Thursday 19 August. This follows a Parent Seminar for all Year 5 and 6 parents on Puberty and Embracing Change on Tuesday 17 August.

Martin Gibbs
Director of Students (Middle Years)
Elephant Ed 2021 Year 7 (35)
Elephant Ed 2021 Year 7 (53)

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