

19 AUGUST 2021

ACC Debating and Public Speaking Teams

On Wednesday 18 August, Year 9 and 10 students teams represented the College in the ACC Debating and Public Speaking competition.

Congratulations to the Year 9 and 10 ACC Debating and Public Speaking Teams who both finished in the top three of the competition. Our Debaters placed equal second and Public Speakers came in third.

Our Year 9 Team was coached by Nicola Mairs: Zane Maillard, Samuel Hillemacher, Henry Newton, Jordan Genovese and Zac O’Leary.

Year 10 Public Speakers were coached by Cate McIIroy and Melissa Walsh: Orlando Wong, Luke Healy, Joseph Fisicaro and Joshua Miles.

A special thank you to all four staff – Melissa Walsh, Cate McIIroy, Nicola Mairs and Lauren Anderson - who coached the students and assisted in preparations through the ACC. Their willingness to ensure our students didn’t miss out when so much else has been cancelled is typical of their generosity of time and spirit. Another reason why De La Salle is such a great place for our students to be!
ACC Debating

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