

25 FEBRUARY 2021

The Principal's Report

As always seems to be the case in every Term, the past fortnight has certainly been very busy for students and staff alike. The annual House Athletics Carnival on Friday 12 February was a terrific success and enjoyed all the more by the students, given last year’s event had to be cancelled. The House spirit, mass participation and the high levels of cooperation and sportsmanship make it a great day for all the students.

The rapid return to remote learning last week was a little inconvenient but I was both thrilled with, and proud of, the manner in which our staff and students returned seamlessly to an online delivery of learning. The Year 5s and 7s, being of course new to the College, were very well supported with minimal interruption to their planned curriculum. The lessons of 2020 have been learned well. Our staff have a reliable and effective system in place, to which they were quickly able to adapt. It is very pleasing to see dedicated staff, who have formed great relationships with their classes, so quickly and efficiently transition to a different method of learning, with only a weekend to prepare.

Last Friday we were very happy to be able to proceed as planned with our Academic Awards and Leaders Investiture Assembly. It was terrific to welcome back the high achievers from last year’s VCE, see young men of great ability and character. They benefited from positive relationships with their teachers to develop critical academic and interpersonal skills. Empathy, respect, resilience, communication, analytical thinking and problem solving are crucial for future success in the 2020s.

Just this week I received from VCAA a report on how De La Salle’s VCE results in the five most popular Year 12 2020 subjects, compared with four other similar Catholic boys’ schools. I am very proud to convey we were above these schools across most of the key data in most of these studies. I share this not to simply boast about our 2020 successes under trying circumstances, but to reiterate that De La Salle students must understand they are talented, with terrific support and just as capable of great things as their peers in other schools.

Peter Houlihan

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