

14 OCTOBER 2021

Kinnoull Campus
Year 10 - 12

A recent paper published by Smiling Minds regarding the mental health of young Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic indicated that 43% of young Australians experienced poor mental health during the past year (State of Mind – Smiling Mind, 2021). Supporting student’s wellbeing and resilience has been an ongoing priority this year. The College Wellbeing Team, coupled with our bespoke GROW program, have continued to provide students with a wide range information, resources and strategies encouraging self-care, resilience and positive wellbeing.

To assist with tracking our student’s mental health, we recently invited students to participate in a short wellbeing questionnaire. The purpose of the tailored questionnaire was to offer students the chance to reflect on their overall mental health and wellbeing whilst undertaking remote learning during Term 3.

With 380 student responses across Kinnoull, the overall results were very encouraging. Despite the varied challenges of remote learning, 92% of students felt they were absolutely thriving, feeling good or getting by when reflecting on their overall mental health last Term. It was pleasing to see that over 95% of students had used a range of supportive wellbeing coping mechanisms including regularly talking with friends, engaging in consistent exercise or spending quality time with family whilst learning from home.

Although the results were very heartening and affirm the wonderful work of our Wellbeing team, College programs and structures, we acknowledge that several students have also found the recent lockdown and remote learning challenging. House Coordinators and Mentors will be contacting those students in the coming week. A range of support interventions will be offered to these students and their parents.

As always, if you have any concerns about your son’s wellbeing please don’t hesitate to contact his Mentor or House Coordinator in the first instance.

Shane Mackintosh
Director of Students (Senior School)

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