

28 OCTOBER 2021

Tiverton Campus
Year 5 - 8

It was terrific to see all Year 5 - 7 students return to school on Friday 22 October. Starting at the front gate, many of the students had smiles on their faces underneath their masks, walking proudly through the gates and stopping to talk to myself and Susan Kiernan and explaining their excitement about returning to school and what they were looking forward to. We loved seeing the different hair styles and the different lengths of their uniform with most growing much taller over the extended lockdown period.

Patrizia Ferrara and all the classroom teachers and Mentors reported much positivity during extended wellbeing time, and it was exciting to see the students playing basketball, soccer, and four-square at recess and lunchtime, and enjoying the new canteen menu. The Year 7 cohort moved into their new Mentor rooms in the Murdoch Building. Students reported that they loved the open spaces and the fact the rooms had more light and color in all of them. It felt like it was back to business as usual.

We look forward to welcoming back our Year 8 friends this week and finishing the 2021 school year in a positive and productive fashion

Martin Gibbs
Director of Students (Middle Years)

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