

28 OCTOBER 2021

Student Wellbeing

As I write to you, the majority of our students have returned to campus, and have experienced the joy and excitement of reconnecting with friends and teachers, as well as the tiredness and overwhelm that can come with readjusting routines – and getting out of bed earlier!

Whilst many of our students are feeling happy and confident about being back at school, it may be that your son is experiencing difficulties making the transition to learning on campus again. That is absolutely normal and to be expected. It’s important to focus on all the usual things – routine, good sleep, healthy diet, exercise and time with friends and family.

If your son is not feeling or acting more like ‘himself’ within a week or so of returning to school, please contact his Mentor or Year Level/House Coordinator.

It may be that your son is worried about having fallen behind in his schoolwork, making and keeping his social connections, or about COVID-19 and its impacts. He might also be having trouble weaning himself off the PlayStation or Xbox! We can assist with all of those things by providing conversation, support and strategies to address them, please contact the College if you are concerned.

Jessica Alger
Deputy Principal — Stude

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