

5 MAY 2022

Competitive Reading

During Term 1, we started a tradition of asking students to record books, not including set novels, which they have finished. This is to work against the habit of students starting a book and not finishing it. We tried this last year and it was very successful. It usually begins quietly and then takes off when students get the competition vibe and start to come in daily to check what is up on “the wall”.

Spines are recorded for each book finished with the student name and the title and throughout the Term we watch the progress. We can see what students read, who are the big readers and what is popular. By the end of the Term we have filled a bookshelf.

Prizes are being awarded at assembly this week. The winning classes were:
- Primary – Ms Lennon’s class
- Year 7 Hegarty
- Year 8 Hegarty

Some standout students also got personal best-awards. One particular standout was Hector Crook of 7H who read two 20 volume Manga sets. When told he had to read a “real book” to get another spine he read a popular novel…in French!! Go Hector!

Reading is fun, but nothing like a bit of healthy competition amongst the students to get the momentum going for the year.

Catherine Ryan
Library Team Leader
2022 Library reading comp display - finished
The Wall showing each book finished by the students
2022 Writing Comp Year 7 winners
Catherine Ryan with the Year 7 Personal-Best award winners Darby Alexander-McCurry, Hector Crook, Joshua Raudys, Heath Ryan, Luke D’amelio and Harry Van Echteld

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