

5 MAY 2022

Holy Eucharist Campus
Year 9

Year 9 students will experience their first set of formal exams in Week 7 of Term 2, from Tuesday 7 - Thursday 9 June. For many students, managing the preparation of several exams can present a real challenge. We instill that the purpose of this first examination period is about the process, not the result. However, this period of schooling can often lead to elevated levels of stress and anxiety.

In order to aid the development of the skillset required to prepare for formal exams, we have enlisted Success Integrated to run a workshop on exam strategies and improving organisational capacity. This student workshop will happen on Tuesday 10 May between 9:00am - 10:30am in the Year 9 Holy Eucharist Hall. The session will be practical, engaging, relevant and customised.

Success Integrated subscribe to De La Salle College’s mission that success is best facilitated through a close partnership between student, teacher and parent. As such, we have decided to further engage Success Integrated to run an online seminar for Year 9 parents to provide strategies to help parents support their child to achieve success. This one-hour session will be specifically tailored towards aiding Year 9 students and has been booked for Monday 9 May at 7:30pm.

Please use the link to attend the Parent Seminar via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 651 189 1379
Password: 134789

Thank you for your ongoing support in raising the wellbeing and achievement of your son.

Malwina Dwyer
Year 9 Learning & Teaching Leader

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