


Library News

Each year we find that we make new promises to ourselves about things that we want to achieve. Our aspirations could be about health goals, learning targets or things we want to get better at like music or languages. I like to do a reset every academic year and review my reading targets.

If we don’t set targets or make time to practice things then they don’t happen. It is the same with reading. If we don’t set small achievable goals and make time to do them then nothing will happen.
This is a time for students at all levels to reset their reading habits. Reading is important in all aspects of our lives. The only way to get good at it is to practice. At De La Salle we like to prioritise reading. We do this by making time within the day for students from Year 5 to 9 to read quietly. Students may be studying a set text and discussing it in class. Staff talk about reading, model reading and encourage students to read.

At this time of year we are finding many students have returned to school and have not completed the first reading of their set text. This means that they will have to read a bit every night for homework. It is a homework task like any other task. As parents you can assist your son by encouraging them to read, asking about their reading and modeling reading to them.

Be assured that we also have plenty of tools to assist students with reading difficulties. Have a look at the resources on our Library page or contact the library for assistance with these resources.

Catherine Ryan
Library Team Leader
School Library - Reading (11)

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