

9 MARCH 2023

Learning and Teaching

How to improve your memory
When a student says that they have a bad memory, it usually means they do not actually encode the information in an effective way. Memory is really a ‘process’ as opposed to a ‘thing’ in your head that you are born with. 

Rather than ‘improving your memory’, you want to improve the process of memory creation to ensure memory retrieval goes smoothly! The reason why many students do not retain what they are learning is, the way they study only gets the information as far as their short term memory, and then before long, it is forgotten instead of being encoded into long term memory.

The first stage for students in improving their retention of information is to try and find ways to make what they are learning interesting to themselves and enjoyable. It is all about their approach to what they are learning.

The next step in memory creation is the encoding process. To improve in this area, students need to improve:
  • Concentration and Focus (making notes about what they are learning, studying using techniques that suit their learning style, studying when they are most alert)
  • Organisation of Material (making brain friendly notes: lists, highlighting, categories, grouping, graphics)
  • Making associations and links between the new material and previously learned material.
Next stage in the memory process is facilitating the storage of memories. Students can improve the way memories are stored by ensuring they break their study blocks up with at least a few minutes break every half hour (giving the brain a chance to encode and file that chunk of content .  Getting enough sleep is also essential as fundamental memory processes take place during sleep. The other thing that is really important in this stage, is repetition and regular review. Implementing this process from an early stage will assist students in retaining important information.

Rob Bonnici
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching

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