

23 MARCH 2023

Growth Mindset

A term used quite frequently in education circles is that of ‘growth mindset’. An idea that brings forth with it lots of different images, words and actions. It is a central focus point for the education of our young men at Holy Eucharist, as the spirit of inquiry and project based learning requires a building of knowledge, content and skill over a period of time, therefore essential in the process.

Our boys have growth mindset principles presented and developed with them each day at Holy Eucharist, in every class. But rather than us defining what a growth mindset is and what it looks like at Holy Eucharist, we thought it better to hear from the boys themselves and show everyone what it means to them. What the boys create will inspire posters and other visual aids in classrooms to help remind them all to keep utilising this attitude for learning, even when things become hard.
Marcus Cristiano (Year 9)
It means to have your attitude is ‘glass-half full’, not half empty. It means to not get discouraged when you don’t meet your learning goals, whether it’s about a percentage or grade, the feedback from a teacher etc. It means to know that your mistakes create your success and that there’s only one way to move, which is up. Another key part of it is to know that everyone has their own strengths, you are going to be better than others at certain things and vice versa, so don’t compare yourself to them.

Thomas James (Year 9)
I think a short answer of having a growth mindset is being open to change and new opportunities.  It’s being flexible and able to keep moving forward no matter what hurdles come your way.  It might be keeping calm and thinking of things from a wider perspective.

David Alexander
Head of Campus

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