

5 APRIL 2023

The Principal's Report

As we conclude Term 1, Lent draws to a close and Easter is upon us there is opportunity for reflection.

From a learning perspective, the Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews of the past week provide genuine feedback on each student’s performance during Term 1. Students at all levels must take advantage of the advice then reassess and possibly reset goals and seriously consider their approach to their 2023 studies. An honest, realistic assessment of their work ethic and cooperation with teachers is crucial for each student in his 2023 learning journey.

The college continues to be a vibrant, positive and innovative environment. In visiting classes most days I see happy, engaged young men, challenged in their learning and supported in their wellbeing, growing as individuals and making significant contributions across each area of school life. For the minority of students who let us down with their attitude or behaviour, let’s move into Term 2 with a renewed approach to respect, the basic school rules and standards. It’s time to focus on being the best version of yourself you can be.

Finally, I wish you a blessed Easter. This is the pivotal component of our Catholic faith and Jesus rising on the Sunday is perhaps the greatest example of his power to turn sorrow into joy; something we can all use to refer to at some time! We can also use the tremendous example of the traditional washing of the feet prior to Easter as a great illustration of our attitude to service. After all, we are in many ways a Church for the poor and this culture of service also ties in neatly with the outstanding work of our young men in their commitment to Mission Action Day. Raising $100,000 for Lasallian mission works in Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka as well as selected local charities is the embodiment of living our Lasallian principles.

Enjoy the break and the time with your family and friends and thank you once again for your contributions and support during a very busy Term 1.

Peter Houlihan
Peter Houlihan Headshot

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