

5 APRIL 2023

Learning and Teaching

Students’ perception of their learning environment is an important determinant of successful learning processes. As we approach the end of Term 1, it is fantastic to see a number of senior students utilising the Kinnoull library space to work with their peers and teachers in a self-directed environment after school.

Research has shown that having a space where students can access learning material and independently check their tasks, can assist them in consequently progressing to higher levels of learning. Over the past few years this space has become a second home for some of our senior students, where they have the option to complete work in a quiet environment or work collaboratively with their peers to support and challenge one another to higher levels.

The Kinnoull library is open until 6:00pm Monday to Thursday and until 5:00pm on Friday for all senior students to utilise for study and revision. Whether it is Kinnoull, a public library or a space at home, all students are encouraged to develop a space where they can study and revise in a safe comfortable environment. Mobile devices and distractions should be limited to allow students to focus on the task at hand. For students who have yet to set up a regular study space, the holidays present a great opportunity for setting Term 2 goals and committing to a regular study and revision routine.

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.― Pelé, Brazillian pro footballer
Rob Bonnici
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching

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