

10 AUGUST 2023

The Principal's Report

Welcome back for Term 3; it’s been terrific to greet all the students upon their return and see them settled back into their routines.

Peter Houlihan

Identity and Mission

At the commencement of this term, staff returned to a session of Formation. We were led by Bernard Dobson on the topic of Gospel Leadership in the Catholic School.

Rana Brogan
Assistant Principal — Identity and Mission

Student Wellbeing

We are very appreciative of the support our parents, guardians and carers provide to the College regarding mobile phone use on campus.

Jessica Alger
Assistant Principal — Stude

Learning and Teaching

As we embark on this new phase of our academic journey, it's essential to set clear goals to make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

Rob Bonnici
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Tiverton Campus
Years 5 to 8

Students from Years 5 to 8 have had Semester 2 assemblies over the last week that have focused on basic expectations that the teaching staff have of the students at all times at the Tiverton campus.

Martin Gibbs
Director of Students - Tiverton Campus

Holy Eucharist Campus

Year 9

‘Futures’ is the overarching theme at Holy Eucharist for Term 3. With this in mind,
De La Salle College engaged Mindflight7 to deliver a unique Virtual Reality experience to our Year 9 students

David Alexander
Year 9 Head of Campus - Holy Eucharist

Kinnoull Campus

Years 10 - 12

On Thursday 8 June, the Year 12 students from De La Salle gathered in their finest attire to attend the College’s annual Formal.

Shane Mackintosh
Director of Students - Senior Years

Sport Report

Term 3 Sport has been fast paced and busy.
Every week there has been a continual improvement on the previous performance which is pleasing for the coaches and athletes to see.

Melo Conti
Director of Sport

Music Tour

De La Salle College musicians impressed the North East of Victoria on our annual Concert Tour, performing 7 concerts in schools in and around Beechworth, Myrtleford and Yackandandah.

Luke Serrano
Music Coordinator

Charity Food Drive

This Food Drive is an authentic opportunity as a Lasallian community to show solidarity and bring hope to the needy, poor, and vulnerable members of our local community.

Paul Roberts
Social Justice Coordinator and
Year 8 Coordinator

Health Report

The Department of Health advises Influenza (flu) activity is continuing across Victoria, with almost half of cases occurring in children and adolescents under the age of 15 years.

Kylie Upton
First Aid Officer - Health Centre

Education Support

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACs) have introduced a new policy relating to students who have a diagnosed health care need, complex care need or medical condition.

Georgie Skinner
Education Support Coordinator

Important Events

Please note: The College events listed below may be subject
to change. Please refer to the Daily Notices in OLLIE for updates.
* Please Note: Times and dates may change so always refer to the Ollie Calendar for current information.

Parent Network News

After the resounding success of our inaugural Uniform Freecycle event in April this year, the Parent Network is excited to be hosting the next Freecycle event in the September school holidays.

Mrs Sonya Ryan
College Parent Network

Mother's Day Stall

Last term, St Mark’s House undertook a Primary Mother’s day stall to support the House charity, Opening the Doors Foundation.

Andrew Wozencroft
St Mark's House Coordinator

From the Archives

If you are anything like me, the thought that 1973 now falls in the 50+ reunion category is slightly daunting. The photos included in this issue show the fresh faced students and young men of the 1960s and 1970s, full of life and laughter.

Marian Jenkinson
College Archivist

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