


Protect Your Brand

My temporary return to Kinnoull-ian shores was met with some surprise, some indifference and very little student fanfare. However, despite this nonchalance from large portions of the student cohort, it was genuinely heart-warming to see so many familiar faces (whom I got to know throughout Year 9) that have now made successful inroads into their senior years of schooling.

I would like to share a brief interaction with one senior student that did not necessarily meet the desired expectation regarding his appearance.

After expressing my disappointment in his somewhat dishevelled appearance I suggested by dressing in this way he was damaging his brand.

His reply, “Sir, what is my brand?"

I replied, “Your brand is the sum of your character, your values and your actions.”
The next day, the student had fixed his uncouth appearance.

I encourage De La Salle students to set high standards for themselves all the time (even when no one is watching). Hold yourself accountable for your actions. Controlling the controllables. For it is through your interactions with other people that your character is tested and often judged. Your brand might be what opens doors, or unfortunately, also what closes them.

Your brand is the currency that you trade.

David Alexander
Assistant Principal - Stude

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