

11 FEBRUARY 2021

Tiverton Campus Years 5 - 8

The Primary School for Years 5 and 6 has started with a flurry of activity. New students are integrating well into the new classrooms, updated play areas and getting to know their new teachers for 2021. We had our Meet and Greet sessions with the classroom teachers and many thanks to the parent body for attending, and for Andrew Kearns, Terry Atkins and Jane Michael for leading that important process. There is also a relaxed Primary School Welcome BBQ on Thursday 18 February and we look forward to seeing many of you there.

The Primary School Captains are as follows:
Captain - Ben Marchesani
Vice Captain - Evangelos Fabiatos
St Austin's House Captain – Jackson Bednarz
St Austin's House Vice-Captain – Jack Pearson
St Edwin's House Captain – Julian Perri
St Edwin's House Vice-Captain – Charlie Hill
St Leo's House Captain – Jack Hamilton
St Leo's House Vice-Captain – Matthew Oh
St Mark's House Captains– Harvey Venturini
St Mark's House Vice-Captain – Bastien Salinas-Byrne

Under the new leadership of Patrizia Ferrara, Year 7 Coordinator, and our class mentors, the Year 7 students have started their journey into the Middle School with excitement and enthusiasm. During first assembly, students were encouraged to try new things in their first Term at the College as well as getting organised and developing a strong work ethic with their studies. Part of our philosophy in Year 7 is for students to be curious, creative, critical thinkers and confidently encounter new situations. Some of the ways the students can begin this process is to keep up with their homework on the learning management system OLLIE, to use their diaries regularly, and to keep asking questions of their teachers to gain confidence, knowledge and understanding in all that they do. It was terrific to see many new students getting involved in Friday lunch time's Futsal House competitions, and showing great energy in their respective ACC sports trials. We wish these students well.

Like our Year 7 cohort, our Year 8’s have started the 2021 school year brightly under the guidance of our Year 8 Coordinator, Susan Kiernan, and their class mentors. The emphasis with the students has been to get into regular routines throughout the school week and the weekend to enable homework to be completed, consolidate what has been learnt in the class at home, and to strive for excellence in all disciplines that the school offers. Part of our philosophy in Year 8 is for students to work towards their personal best and to prepare well for the transition to Year 9 Campus by the end of the year. The Year 8’s are encouraged to engage in upcoming House Competitions and ACC sport trials, as well as other offerings at the school, such as music, drama and debating, to further develop their skills.

Martin Gibbs
Director of Students (Middle Years)

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