


The Principal's Report

As we close in on the end of Term 3, another ten weeks of trying and challenging circumstances, I have two short reflections I think are relevant for the community. As Principal, it is only fitting I try to learn a little each week and two articles in my regular professional reading have prompted the following.

In his recently published article, A Vision of Lasallian Education for Today’s World, American Brother Louis De Thomasis, FSC, makes the following point. “In essence, the spirit of De La Salle’s education was, is and must be, I contend, to honour and respect the dignity and right of each person 'to become' who she or he decides to be for herself or himself. Without that dimension that embraces the power of each person 'to become' the person she or he yearns and hungers 'to become,' it is not Lasallian education. But to teach with that spirit is also risky. But we need to take that risk.”

As lockdown and remote learning extended, staff have increasingly drawn on what’s really behind our Lasallian model of education. Lasallian education is relational, where each student is very well known and respected and given every opportunity to fulfil his aspirations. Teaching in lockdown is a risky business, but that risk has been worth it as we respect our students and their situation in working remotely and use our positive student-teacher relationships to successfully steer the vast majority of them through.

The second article focuses on the critical importance of adaptability in dealing with the uncertainty of lockdown periods. I believe the basic message is helpful for all of us – staff in all roles and students of all ages. Adaptability moves us from just enduring the challenges of remote learning to thriving. It helps us maintain calm under pressure and make thoughtful choices rather than reflex reactions. Paying daily attention to body, mind and spirit supports our need to find purpose, which in turn leads to an adaptable earning mindset. Student, staff and parents can all benefit from not just accepting the status quo, but thinking of a better way forward.

I wish all our students and staff a wonderful and well-earned break and hopefully parents have a chance for some respite as well!

Peter Houlihan

A Vision of Lasallian Education for Today’s World, Louis De Thomasis, FSC, PhD (AXIS: Journal of Lasallian Higher Education 12, no. 2 Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota: 2021)

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