

22 JULY 2021

Holy Eucharist Campus
Year 9

Over the coming weeks, Year 9 students will be undertaking a series of seminars and presentations as they consider their subjects and pathways for the senior campus. For many students this can be their first insight into seeing that their choices can have a real impact on future goals.

Some valuable conversations to have at home in the coming weeks might be about what appeals to them at school or in their outside pursuits. What are the character strengths of people your son admires and are these strengths that your son would like to emulate? Conversations that start by discussing single subjects can often become more fruitful exchanges around values and the importance of being motivated by passion and interests.

Sometimes young men have little understanding about what they like but can clearly articulate what it is they don’t enjoy - this is still useful! At Holy Eucharist, we often reference the importance of a growth mindset where even fixed ideas of ‘I can’t do that’ can be challenged and re-phrased into more positive approaches. Turning ‘I can’t do that’ into ‘I can’t do that yet!’ allows for our young men to be open to possibilities, especially when considering their future pathways.

There will be an abundance of information in the coming weeks and many opportunities for discussion with teachers, peers and within families. With the right mindset and understanding that there is support available to them, students should look forward to confidently choosing the best pathway for them.

Lauren Anderson
Year 9 Learning & Teaching Leader

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