

22 JULY 2021

Kinnoull Campus
Year 10 - 12

Senior students returned to Kinnoull refreshed and recharged after the Term 2 holidays. In reaching the halfway mark of the academic year, the realisation that we have now entered what is known colloquially as the ‘Premiership’ quarter will require all students to employ a stead-fast and disciplined approach for the remainder of the year in order to achieve their personal and academic best. In the coming week during GROW, students will work closely with their Mentor to analyse and review their Semester One academic report data. In consultation with their Mentor, students will be required to set SMART goals for the remainder of the year. Each student must identify strategies that will enable their goals to be achieved. I encourage parents to discuss this with their son in the coming week.

In launching the 2022 College student leadership application process, Year 11 students had the privilege to hear from the current College Captain, Tom Seddon, College Vice Captain, Peter Bohan and St Edwin’s House Captain, Sam McNidder. Each leader shared their unique experiences, insights and realities as a 2021 student leader. This was a fabulous opportunity for all Year 11 students considering to nominate for a 2022 senior student leadership position. Applications are now open, click here for resources and application process timelines.

Consent has been a topic of considerable conversation in our community this year. Providing young men with opportunities to learn and share their insights in a safe space is critical to enhancing their overall knowledge in this area. Last week during GROW, Year 10 students participated in an incursion facilitated by ElephantEd, a specialised external agency well versed in delivering content in this area. Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive and further conversations will take place with Mentors in the coming weeks during GROW periods.

Shane Mackintosh
Director of Students (Senior School)

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