

5 AUGUST 2021

Tiverton Campus
Year 5 - 8

It was terrific to see all Year 5 - 8 students return to school after the last lockdown. There was a clear focus on student wellbeing to assist with the transition back into the College.

Within the Primary School GROW classes, students are beginning to work with the Resilience Project on how to become more mindful, grateful and empathetic. Year 7 students will be working with Braingrow, unpacking the different parts of the brain through the study of neuroplasticity and how students can move from their emotional part of their brain to their thinking and logical part of the brain. This will assist their decision making and ability to think under pressure. Lastly, Year 8’s have begun working with the Berry Street Education model on the triggers for stress and anxiety, and how we can best regulate our emotions and behavior.

On the first day back at the College, Year 8 students undertook the Future Proofing Study with the Black Dog Institute. This ground-breaking initiative will engage up to 20,000 Year 8 students across Australia over a 5-year period. Using surveys and a smartphone app we hope to determine what triggers the development of mental illness in young people and identify which measures may protect against the emergence of future mental health problems. De La Salle is lucky to be supported by the Future Proofing team that includes leading-edge academics, clinicians, project managers and coordinators in the mental health space.

Many thanks to Jess Alger, Patrizia Ferrara and Susan Kiernan for all their hard work bringing these wellbeing initiatives to life at the Tiverton Campus.

Martin Gibbs
Director of Students (Middle Years)

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