

14 OCTOBER 2021

The Principal's Report

Welcome back for Term 4! Hopefully we can navigate the upcoming weeks without further interruption as we move steadily toward the return to normality. It has been terrific to be back onsite full time in the past two weeks, even more so with the arrival of nearly 200 students to sit the GAT last Tuesday. Having the Year 12s coming and going for trial exams, seeing more and more staff onsite and advancing the plans for the full reopening in the coming weeks have all really added further to the sense of optimism.

Schools tend to be strange places to work without the life, the rhythm and the energy 1000-plus students bring. A school needs kids! There has been a genuine sense of “correction” in recent days as the Year 12s return, teachers appearing, the office is open and leadership and admin staff are here on a roster basis. This has generated enthusiasm and hope as what we have been looking forward to is gradually, actually happening. We’re all really looking forward to the remaining Year Levels resuming on a part-time basis after the indicative date of 26 October.

This has also been my message to the broader staff, to our De La Salle community in my videos and letters and indeed to the students I’ve spoken with. These past months have brought uncertainty and anxiety, often resulting in a grieving process for the way things were and lost opportunities. While this is normal and perhaps inevitable, we must now allow ourselves that vulnerability, demonstrate empathy and compassion and offer space and emotional energy to those around us. Communication is the key to our wellbeing as we search for ways to productively resolve concerns and issues.

The Department of Health, Department of Education and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools are updating the protocols and processes to be applied should a positive case be recorded in a school setting. Our CovidSafe Committee is also planning around this as we ensure we are as prepared as practically possible should the need arise.

Take care, stay positive and look after each other as we inch towards a return to a more traditional Term 4 program.

Peter Houlihan

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