

25 FEBRUARY 2021

Kinnoull Campus Years 10 - 12

Student voice and agency – Student Wellbeing Committee:
Launching in 2021 is the Student Wellbeing Committee. The Student Wellbeing Committee will be given opportunities to discuss a range of topics and issues. It is important that students have meaningful opportunities to contribute to their school community and are active change-agents in enhancing their school culture. Building the capacity of our young men by developing their ownership of school culture through student voice is integral to overall school improvement.

The College’s Student Wellbeing Committee will allow representatives from the student cohort to meet regularly each Term to consider a range of wellbeing issues.

Topics for discussion are likely to include;
- Child safety;
- Mental health;
- Nutrition;
- Respectful relationships;
- Environmental concerns;
- College master planning;
- Student rights and responsibilities (College policies);
- Community issues;
- The common good and student attendance and participation.

Applications are now open for students across all Year Levels to apply. Applications can be accessed via the Student Wellbeing Committee OLLIE page.

Applications close on Friday 26 February.

2021 AO Ballkid news:
Congratulations to Liam Greening (Year 10 St Austin’s House) for being selected to be part of the AO men’s final last Sunday night and Xavier Campbell (Year 10 St Austin’s House) for being selected to be part of the women’s final.

A terrific achievement for both young men considering some 2,500 ballkids participate across the two week tournament.

Shane Mackintosh
Director of Students (Senior School)

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