

28 OCTOBER 2021

Holy Eucharist Campus
Year 9

On Tuesday 26 October the Year 9 cohort at Holy Eucharist returned to onsite classes. With almost three months of learning executed from bedrooms, kitchen benches or dining room tables, it was a welcome return to school for all staff and students - and dare I say it, parents as well.

Many Year 9s had experienced serious growth spurts - returning a full two sizes bigger. For some they could no longer squeeze into their blazer. For many, school shoes would no longer fit.

What was consistent amongst the cohort was the energy. The school yard buzz that was so sorely missed, had returned. The smiles that brimmed from underneath their face covering was evident for all to see. It was hard to keep the handshakes to a minimum when all the students want to do was warmly embrace. School is about relationships and it was never more evident than on this day onsite at Holy Eucharist.

David Alexander
Year 9 Head of Campus
Year 9 Return

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