

7 APRIL 2022

Holy Eucharist Campus
Year 9

The Currency of Time
“When you criticise your child, they don’t stop loving you. They stop loving themselves.” LR Knost

I will preface this by saying that I am far from the perfect parent. I learn every day about my strengths and deficiencies. In this imperfect world, I would like to acknowledge the many everyday dealings with your son’s – they undoubtedly continue to help me to be a better father.

I think it is easy to be overly critical of our child’s behavior, particularly behaviour that is not to our liking. Perhaps we perceive it as a reflection of our self. Perhaps it is a reoccurring theme. Perhaps we are worried that our connection with them is at risk.

A relationship without connection only leads to further anger, anxiety or frustration. In a podcast* from Dr. Justin Coulson from Happy Families, he asserts “Connection is the currency of a relationship. When you have a relationship with connection you have one that has life.” We have all had my-son-is-driving-me-crazy moments. Perhaps daily. The answer is quality time with them. Make them feel like they really matter. Dr Coulson asserts kids tend to spell ‘Love’ as T – I – M – E. When boys in particular feel loved, supported and accepted, they feel good. This transcends to positive learning experiences at school.

I know my agenda this Term holiday will be to put my sons front and centre.

*Podcast Justin Coulson’s Happy Families

David Alexander
Year 9 Head of Campus
Photo fro article

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