


Tiverton Campus
Year 5 - 8

R U OK? Day
Tiverton students participated in a range of activities in their respective GROW classes that focused on the importance of friendship and reaching out for support if things are tough. Primary students explored the topic “being a good friend” and what things as a friend you can control and things you cannot control. In pairs, they also unpacked what a good friend sounds like, feels like and looks like.

Students were reminded that the Tiverton Wellbeing Team which includes the Director of Students, Year Level Coordinators, College Psychologist, Health Centre Officer and Education Support Coordinator are always available for students if they feel overwhelmed, anxious or just down.

Students also participated in a range of games with their mates, including downball and tug-of-war, on the Kinnoull oval which celebrated a very important day and message for all students.

Finishing Term 3
In recent assemblies, all Year 7 and 8 students have been encouraged to finish Term 3 off well. This incorporates completing all set tasks in class and all home learning tasks to the best of their ability.

We keep encouraging all students to use respectful language to classmates and teaching staff to ensure a calm, considered, and inclusive learning environment at all times.

We also educated all students on thinking before posting online with social media. All students were reminded that when they post anything online, they create their own personal brand and we want all students to be responsible digital citizens and be the best versions of themselves online and in person.

We encourage all students to have a great rest over the Term 3 holidays to return to school refreshed and ready to work hard and productively in Term 4.

Martin Gibbs
Director of Students (Middle Years)

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