


Identity and Mission

Charitable Food Donations
Thank you to all families who have sent donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries. The donations will support one of the three organisations:

-Tiverton Campus – St Joseph’s Outreach Centre, South Yarra
- Kinnoull Campus – Malvern Emergency Food Program
- Holy Eucharist Campus – Sacred Heart Mission, St Kilda

There is a real need to support the many struggling families and individuals that go without. In the words of our founder, St John Baptist de La Salle, we are called to, make Christ known to others,” by doing the work of Jesus Christ. Your generosity will go a long way.

National Child Protection Week
This year’s theme for National Child Protection Week was ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’. The theme emphasises the importance of children growing up safe and supported. The Sunday that concludes National Child Protection Week, is Safeguarding Sunday.

National Child Protection Week and Safeguarding Sunday are important for all of us in Catholic education to recognise, as they reinforce our unequivocal commitment to protect the children and young people in our care. As part of our ongoing commitment to Child Protection and Safeguarding at De La Salle College, all Year 7 – 12 class mentors commenced their next Monday morning prayer (the day after Safeguarding Sunday), with a special prayer reminding us that we must always be committed to our obligation of caring for all young people in our care and ensuring we always safeguard their dignity.

We are reminded by this in St John Baptist de La Salle, who called us to care for the young people entrusted to us; “God entrusts to you his care of the young” St John Baptist de La Salle, (Med 37.3).

Social Justice Mass and Lasallian Staff Service Award
The last day of Term concludes with our annual Social Justice Mass. As a College community, we recognise our call as Lasallians to make a difference to the last, the least and the lost. The Social Justice Mass is our commitment supporting those in need and demonstrates directly how we live the message of the gospel; "I was hungry and you gave me food," (Matthew 25:35).

St John Baptist de La Salle’s mission and vision was that a concern for the poor would become a shared concern for all Christians. This becomes realised through genuine experiences of solidarity and it is through the generosity of the College community that a difference in the lives of the needy and vulnerable has been made by the overwhelming generous donations throughout Term 3.

At the conclusion of the Mass, we have the pleasure of presenting our annual Lasallian Staff Service Awards. The Lasallian Staff Service Award is awarded to three staff for their commitment to Lasallian education and demonstration of the Five Core Lasallian Principles throughout various aspects of their work.

Rana Brogan
Deputy Principal — Identity and Mission

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