


Kinnoull Campus

Year 10 - 12

In welcoming the Kinnoull cohort back after the summer break, the students looked refreshed and ready to re-commence their academic year. The Year 12 Student Leaders spent their first lunch break sharing the Kinnoull front grass with the new Year 7 students in what is now a tradition at the College. Each House Coordinator facilitated a more formal House assembly during day 1, outlining their vision whilst highlighting the College expectations for the year ahead. Areas of focus are to ensure students are maintaining high standards in all areas at the College. Academic rigour is a major focus for the senior students this year. To enable this, it’s critical that students develop healthy learning routines and set high standards for themselves. After a long summer break, it’s normal for students to experience some anxiety about returning to the new school year. Research shows that students who develop their own learning goals for the new year are more likely to be motivated and quickly re-establish good learning behaviours. Students will be working with their GROW teachers in the coming weeks to identify their own SMART learning goals for year ahead.

It is also important that students establishes a positive self-care plan. Maintaining balance within your sons daily routines is critical to his ongoing positive wellbeing. This includes at least 8-10 hours of sleep and an hour of exercise per day. A balanced diet is essential to ensuring a healthy mind and body, as is the presence of meaningful relationships with family and friends. The practice of mindfulness is also recommended. A daily practice enables students to focus their attention on the current moment, with an attitude of acceptance and curiosity. These protective wellbeing measures have been scientifically proven to improve emotional regulation, mental health, memory and learning. Should you have any concerns regarding your sons wellbeing or academic progress this year, please reach out to his House Mentor in the first instance.

The Kinnoull House Welcome & Liturgy evenings will be delivered on site this year.
Below are the key dates:
  • Tuesday 14 February – Edwin’s and Leo’s House
  • Wednesday 15 February – Austin’s and Mark’s House
Shane Mackintosh
Director of Students (Senior Years)

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