

9 MARCH 2023

Kinnoull Campus

2023 Year 12 Seminar Program Launch:
The overarching theme of the Year 12 Seminar Program is the search for meaning. The program provides an opportunity for personal growth by encouraging students to critically reflect on their own generation, its world and its meaning within the context of being a Lasallian. The Year 12 cohort this week commenced their first session of the program listening to the adventures of Sam Clear. Although Sam is a well-known author and documentary producer, his greatest adventure has been to undertake a 15,600km walk around the world for unity, including through the most dangerous countries on earth. Sam shared some of his most extraordinary life lessons he learnt along his journey. You can read here.

In the event of parents/guardians needing to make urgent contact with their son during school hours, parents/guardians are reminded to make contact with the College Administration so the message can be relayed to their son via the appropriate channel. 03 9508 2100

Shane Mackintosh
Director of Students (Senior School)

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