

23 MARCH 2023

Mission Action Day Fundraising

The Year 5 to 8 student leaders met to discuss some Mission Action Day fundraising ideas, after their successful Young Lasallian Leadership forum that focused on the concept of ‘growing into leadership’. After a casual clothes day on Thursday and a special visit from an ice cream truck at lunchtime, the student leadership have been exploring ideas that will raise funds for those less fortunate at Lasallian communities overseas.

As a result, the Year 5 and 6 student leaders will be coordinating a bake sale as well as a lolly and chocolate stall this Friday at recess, and the Year 7 and 8 student leaders will be working alongside our Year 11 and 12 VCAL students with a lunchtime sausage sizzle on the same day. Students will also hear from Brother Paul Toohey this week in year level assemblies so students can fully appreciate the impact of their fundraising efforts.

We have set the ambitious target of the Tiverton campus raising $50,000 across all Years 5 to 8 classes, and we look forward to more fundraising efforts before the end of Term 1.

Martin Gibbs
Director of Students Tiverton Campus

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