

5 APRIL 2023

GROW Program

At a recent Year 11 GROW session the students were fortunate to hear from Shane Cumming, a proud Aboriginal from the Wardandi Noongar people of the South West region of Western Australia.  Wardandi Noongar Country includes the towns of Busselton, Dunsborough and Margaret River. Shane’s rich personal experiences include working in a variety of school education contexts, from teaching in remote Aboriginal community schools in the Kimberley region, as an Aboriginal Education consultant to schools in the Desert region, and as a Principal in large mainstream regional schools in Western Australia. During the last 6 months Shane has been on secondment to the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) in their Learning and Development Team, working on a trauma informed, culturally appropriate education model in collaboration with Berry Street. 

Year 12 Seminar Session
Former staff member Br Dennis Loft presented to the Year 12 cohort recently at the second Year 12 Seminar morning. With Mission Action Day (MAD) bringing a conclusion to Term 1, Br Dennis shared his vast experiences from traveling and working in a variety of De La Salle College communities which include; PNG, India, Sri Lanka and South Sudan. Br Dennis highlighted how through service and action, these communities have directly benefited from the monetary funds raised through the kind donations supporting MAD. During the Easter holidays, students are encouraged to continue with their fundraising and promotion of MAD.

Wishing all members of the De La Salle College community a peaceful break over the Easter holidays.

Shane Mackintosh
Director of Students (Senior School)

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